Making Refractory Concrete
With regards to making the normal concrete is concerned, it is very simple as you only need to mix the necessary materials within a specific proportion to help make high-quality regular concrete. However, making refractory concrete is different as it is a special type of concrete which is heat resistant. This particular concrete is commonly useful for making brick pizza ovens along with outdoor barbecue pits. The high temperature resistance properties on this concrete are really important to be certain the food is cooked evenly from the barbecue pits and ovens. ( see here ) An additional advantage of employing refractory concrete in ovens and barbecue pits is it helps with enhancing the lifetime of ovens and barbecue pits. While making refractory concrete may well not seem as basic as making regular concrete but understand that the process is almost similar and you also won't need to spend a long time to produce this kind of concrete. Actually, a small batch can be simply manu...