The Installation of Refractory Castables
The installation procedures for castables are relatively simple if the fundamentals are understood. With proper supervision, relatively unskilled labor can be used and still achieve excellent structural and thermal properties in the finished refractory lining. Get more info: Mixing Castable refractories or refractory concretes, as they are sometimes called, can be installed by one of several methods: (1) pouring into forms, (2) tamping into place or (3) pneumatic gunning. When the installation is by pouring or tamping, the mixing is done in a concrete mixer or preferably in a paddle type mixer. Mixing can be done in a mortar box by hand but this is not recommended. Only good clear water, suitable for drinking, should be used because there could be mineral or chemical contaminants in process water or dirty water, which could completely destroy the effect of the bonding agent in the refractory. The mixer mus...